4 Misconceptions About Converting Shipping Containers Into Dwellings

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There are all kinds of designs online for converting shipping containers into homes, guest cottages and similar dwellings. If your interest has been piqued by any of those designs, you may be wondering if it's possible for you. Unfortunately, however, there are a lot of misconceptions about shipping containers.

Don't let this fake news keep you from your next project. Here's a look at the most common misconceptions about converting shipping containers into homes and the reality behind them.

1. Misconception: It Isn't Really Possible to Live in a Shipping Container.

In reality, people all over the world are living in shipping containers or using them for home offices or guest cottages. In fact, in California, a group of creative types are renting shipping containers to call home. Yes, it takes some work and some modifications to the container, but it is possible.

2. Misconception: Shipping Containers Are All the Same Size

When you think of shipping container houses, the classic model that usually jumps to mind is based on a shipping container that is about the size of a train car. However, that's certainly not the only option. Want a smaller space? You're in luck. If you contact a company to buy a shipping container, you will find a range of lengths and widths.

3. Misconception: Shipping Container Homes Have to Be Single Story

You don't just have to use one shipping container. You can stack multiple shipping containers to create a multi-story dwelling. Remember, these containers are designed to stack while in transit.

That said, multi-story structures don't just have to be stacked on top of each other. An architect can help you create designs that integrate shipping containers oriented vertically, ones partially dug into the ground and nearly anything else you can imagine.

4. Misconception: Shipping Container Homes Are More Expensive Than Traditional Homes

In some cases, this is true. If you are embracing a complicated design with multiple shipping containers and lots of extra features, from windows to porches, the cost of your project will be relatively high. In fact, it may be significantly higher than just building a small structure with timber and other basic supplies. However, if you are just using a single shipping container and modifying it slightly, the cost is likely to be lower. Ultimately, you have to crunch the numbers based on the design you like.

To buy a shipping container and get started on your project, contact a company that specialises in these sales.   
